In a Facebook post, the PDEA Region III reported that a total of 103 pieces of ecstasy amounting to Php 185,400.00 was seized from a drug suspect by the combined elements of PDEA Central Luzon, PDEA NCR and the Marikina police following an entrapment operation at Vista Valley Subdivision on Monday evening (October 18).

Authorities identified the arrested suspect as TORRES, DAN CHRISTOPHER Y DE LEON.
The operation emanated from an information from a confidential informant regarding Torres involvement in party drugs distribution in Angeles City and nearby towns of Bulacan.
Seized from Torres were 103 pieces of ecstacy, one (1) unit toyota camry sedan, and the marked money used by the poseur buyer.
A charge for violation of Section 5 (sale of dangerous drugs) of RA 9165 will be filed against Torres.